Does It Make You Shiver…

Mother Mary waiting for us to ask her in.
Mother Mary waiting for us to ask her in.


It’s the start of a line from a Blues song by Nina Simone which I have been playing lately.  The whole line goes ” do you shiver from your head down to your liver?”  Funky little line but it points to some thing that we should get.  We can get brain shivers pretty easy with all the information that we can access these days.  But what about those rare really important things that speak to our inner being?  Let’s be on the lookout.

Last night due to Rebecca’s and mine individual schedules conflicting we didn’t get to have our normal dilly dally at 1700 and then dinner.  So I got back here at 2100 and built some tapas and broke open some red wine thinking that she would be back soon.  So I got that set up and I light a small candle for Amita, our friend on the Camino.  And I got a larger candle recently for the Lady of Guadalupe with the image of Mother Mary on it and I got it light up.  That all looked so bright that I turned off the electric lights.

I said my rosary and started to contemplate on Mother Mary.  She is one reason that I was drawn to converting to the Roman Church two years ago.  I was looking to find comfort.  It seemed like my whole life comfort was in short supply.  So last night I had this session with Mother Mary with tapas at Dilly Dally that shook me to my liver.   It didn’t take long, it didn’t cost much, all I had to do was figure how to invite her in.   Yea, that’s my report.

Love as always,  Felipe.