Lovin Sister Joyce

Mary and Jesus watching over Phil’s Camino.


You know that I have had Sister Joyce as my spiritual advisor for a long time now, maybe three years.  It has been enjoyable and profitable for me and for her hopefully.  Well, she is on her way out of town, going back to the Motherhouse in Dubuque, Iowa.

Wwhe I was there last year for the film festival I got a tour of the place and got lunch and got to give a little speech to the Sisters.  You know they all love Sister Joyce so they all loved me.   It was all very special.

She has retired after so many years in service to the Lord.  She worked for the Archdiocese here for forty years for one.  And since then she has been the Energizer Bunny going here and there doing good stuff including advising Felipe.

Now I picture her being a sort of Julian of Norwich there in Iowa on the banks of the Mississippi.  People will come to her.  My buddy Kathy from the area is already plugged in before SJ even gets there.  They should be good friends and Kathy will be a good addition and substitute for Felipe.  Well, you never know maybe I will get another chance to be in Dubuque and see her.

So, time to pick corn for the stand.  There is some heat out there this early afternoon and that will keep things ripening.  Have to go for now, see you tomorrow.  Felipe is thinking of you, praying for the stone pile and in love.

2 thoughts on “Lovin Sister Joyce”

  1. You do a good job loving on the people:). I am a failure at the walking so far… But I AM good at the praying and the loving:)

    1. Michelle ~ you my dear have special dispensation, how’s that? I know the only way to get you off the farm is to resort to kidnap, which may happen. I’ll bring you some corn when ripening speeds up. Felipe.x

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