Yea, somehow it was a restless night for me. For whatever reason for that I am in pretty good shape and bound and determined to make the best of this beautiful day. The Super Moon is in it’s third quarter and it is up in a blue sky here this morning. I have a walk in one hour from now so we have a time limit today.
Yesterday afternoon we had the most delightful walk. Catherine was here. Barbara was here with a new friend. Always good for the mix to have new blood. We had some amazing tapas and we watched Phil’s Camino with Spanish wine in hand afterward.
When you get a chance go to philscamino website and click on the “STORE”. The long awaited DVD is there for sale as well as other cool items. Everything there comes from folks involved with the movie project in one way one another.
Yup, the work week is starting out. I have two jobs to get expedited so I can start on them. Work between Thansgiving and New Year’s can be dicey with folks having their minds on the holidays and family. So, getting these two started is important and that should carry me through.
Catherine and I had a great tailgate session after church yesterday and talked of starting a new little bible study group. Maybe the Bible for Caminoheads, something like that. I get so much out of my men’s bible group that I have been attending weekly for twelve years. Yea, we recently tried the figure out how long I have been with them and came up with twelve when I thought it was more like ten. Must be having fun!
OK, need to go and get ready for my walk. Maybe see the cougar that has been around the neighborhood lately. We nick named him Billy. We have two trail cameras up outside and we need to check those, we may have a pic of the elusive guy. That would be major fun as sightings are frequent but actual images are few and far between.
That’s it for today. Super Moon loves, Felipe.
Buen Camino, Felipe!!! A Camino buddy just saw Phil’s Camino at the Film Festival in Ojai and wrote to me about it. I haven’t seen it yet, but I will once I get the DVD. She told me you are walking The Camino on Vashon, so I read your story. We are very excited that you are about to enter Sarria and are on the home stretch! We live in Kirkland and walked from St. Jean to Santiago this past Sept. and Oct. The Camino gets into your blood, and we miss it. My husband and I are wondering if we could walk your Camino with you sometime. Have a good walk today.
Connie ~ Anyone with a Camino buddy must be a buddy of mine. Please come and walk with us. If you could make one of our regular scheduled walks that would be the best. They are on the blog, just posted them a few days ago. Let me know, as I will be out of town in early December with the film. Felipe.
Sounds good…will do. In the meantime, have a blessed Thanksgiving.
OK Connie, looking forward to seeing you and your party. Til then Happy Thansgiving to you. Felipe.