Let’s Review

Compass, keyhole and heart rock.  Coincidence?
Plastic compass, brass keyhole and heart rock.

That’s what my Camino buddy, Kelly, would say to me when he would want to go over something that he thought was important for me to remember. “OK Phil, let’s review.” Kelly spent a lot of time as a school teacher, can you tell. No, but I was lucky to have him watch over me, no telling where blissed out Felipe would wander off unsupervised.

But I wanted to go over something that I think is important for all of us to remember. In the last few weeks I have been working on the corn patch. Putting on composted horse manure and rototilling with the tractor in the springtime sun is enjoyable. But two years ago or maybe last year at this time I was out working on this same ground and I uncovered three objects from the soil. I was raking with a rake on foot. Yea, not on the tractor is what I am trying to say and these three things appeared in the same short time.

Look at the pic above. There is a very gorgeous heart rock which is about three inches in size, palm sized. Then resting on top of it as it sets on our kitchen table is a working compass, as in finding the way, and a brass keyhole, as in the way to the heart. A message maybe? I’m just raking around in God’s earth and what should appear? A message maybe? A coincidence? Let’s review, as our beloved Kelly would say. A message.

Off to Swedish Hospital for treatment. Time to be strong. Love, Felipe.

4 thoughts on “Let’s Review”

  1. Love this post, Phil! As if God wanted you to find and hold onto what we say at Mass: ‘The Lord be with you. And with your Spirit!’ For He is and always shall be. Some of us have to be thunked on the head to Get It, I guess. (Not naming names or anything…)


    Mary Margaret

    1. MM ~ always thanks for your thoughts and presence. I’m back from the hospital and we had tapas and din din and just stretched out on the couch listening to R and B on Pandora. Yea, it’s all happening, some visible and some invisible. God is Good, love, Felipe.

  2. Have looked at those objects on your table and thought the composition was nice but did not get the message about the finding the way to unlock the heart til now.

    1. Signe ~ this little collection/message could be the centerpiece of our whole effort. It’s all a gift Sig. Love, Felipe.

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