Let’s Review

Let's grab our moment of clarity and hold on to it.
Let’s grab our moment of clarity and hold on to it.

My dear walking partner, Kelly, who I talked into going to Spain with me, is a retired elementary school teacher. He has lots of experience keeping semi formed individuals on track and moving forward. This served him very well getting old Felipe from town to town dispite the numerous distractions of August in Spain.

One of his favorite lines that he would whip out at dull times was, “Let’s review.” And we would go through a list of important items that would keep things orderly for us. Man, I have to love the guy. I think our banter was hilarious for people within earshot all the way accross. Love you Kelly!

Anyway, I just want to “Let’s review.” with you the fact that Terry Hershey’s wonderful weekly blogpost comes out Monday morning. Just finished reading it with my bacon and eggs. Well, this is so highly recommended that I am just bursting at the seams. For instance the story about Saint Brigid of Ireland is worth the price of admission right there and check some of the others you get thrown in: Mr Rodgers, Yo-Yo Ma, Leonard Cohen, Walt Whitman, Rumi, C.K. Chesterton, John O’Donohue, Donovan, Joan Baez, the Anna’s Humingbird buddy and the family of Dark Eyed Junco. Yea, see! Love you Terry!

OK, just Google “Sabbath Moment” before you get caught up in the day’s, week’s, year’s details. So glad you all could make it, loooooove, Felipe.

2 thoughts on “Let’s Review”

  1. Felipe… Love the shout out… thank you… and I love that you read my blog with bacon and eggs… after all, good blogs are meant to be read with bacon and eggs… keep on walking and telling your story… it is the stories that keep us sane. The stories that pause us and let us notice and “be”… and when we read and tell one another’s stories we remember that we are all on this journey together. What did Ram Dass say, remember “we’re all just walking each other home.” And you are a great reminder of that… Keep spilling the light my friend…

    1. Terry ~ yes, I couldn’t help shouting out about Sabbath Moments. Yes, bacon and eggs over easy. We need to dine soon speaking of over easy. I’ll see what I can rig up over here at the ranch. Bless you man, Felipe.

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