Just Watching The Fire

Yea, just doing what we have been doing for hundreds of thousands of years, right? It’s very comforting to see the flames dance, it’s mesmerizing. Just moments ago my usually trusty iPad ate half an hour of work and maybe I need to give my attention to something way less high tech, like the wood stove right here in front of me. Yoav has prepared some nice oak and ash firewood that burns wonderfully, warming my fingers and toes.

I was going to blog on the word “fete” that I saw in the newspaper. Not really a word that we see very often. My Rebecca says that it is a good newspaper word because it is concise and takes the place of the longer “celebrate”. She’s a word person.

But to celebrate is something that we are used to, yes? Yes, and not only used to but enjoyed doing constantly, right? Right, like to celebrate a landscape, or a cloud, or a sky of clouds, or a field of sunflowers or stars. And right, like to celebrate arriving into town, or reuniting with someone from days ago that you have missed, or celebrating each other at tapa time. We know this!

And now we have a new word for it, to fete. It’s concise, backpacky. Let me type out the definition from the big fat dictionary: 1. A festival; esp., an outdoor entertainment on a more or less lavish scale. 2. The festival day of the saint for whom one is named, observed like a birthday in many Roman Catholic communities; – called also fete day. Or to feast; to honor with an entertainment; as, much feted; also, to commemorate by a fete.

OK, there you have it. Nice. Ok, we are off to the farmer’s market which is a walk away, five minutes Yoav says. All kinds of fetey type loves, Felipe.