Just Got Out

Just got out of my weekly bible class. It is one of the highlights of my week and after something like ten years of attending is one of those things that has become irreplaceable. If I miss it for some reason than things are thrown off kilter. It is a blend of study and fellowship, roughly fifty – fifty.

It’s been a very stabilizing force in my life and I am sure that things would have taken a different course without it. I bet that the other members would say something similar. Myself and people and the world in general provide more than enough drama to life. Where can I find that rock to hold on to in the surging waters? What is the point of all this motion? How do I find that something that I am supposed to do?

It all gets talked about. We look to the bible for wisdom that has stood the test of time. Right now we are studying the book of Daniel from the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible. Chapter three today which is the story of God saving Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from King Nebuchadnezzar’s fiery furnace. Pretty exciting stuff.

A rainy day today and the sort of day for introspection. Cancer patients should get paid overtime for this as it seems like we put in a lot of time on it. OK, nothing overly exciting or glitzy from me, just rainy day thoughts. Thanks for your prayers, Felipe.