Just Because…


White blossoms, white horses, all in the sun under a blue sky.  Happy Spring!
White blossoms, white horses, all in the sun under a blue sky. Happy Spring!

It just struck me that where there is a JUST (yesterday’s post) there must be a JUST BECA– USE.   If we are walking along, for instance, for the sake of walking, let’s say.   That is such a low keyed activity on our part with little or no glamor.  It is just a JUST.   It is what it is in other words.  There is nothing to say or yell to anyone, this is cool, this is something to pay attention to, this is what we are all about.

So, the motivation on our part to keep walking, or whatever JUST we have going, must be based on something different.  It is a different animal.  We must be doing it in a manner that means something to us on a deeper level.  I am not trying to reinvent the wheel here as this has been thought about by a million people before but as far as I am concerned putting things into words always makes things clearer for me.

Gosh Felipe, what are you trying to say?  If the world that we mostly experience is a clamor of competing influences and we are to the point where this is too much for us, then what?  Here I am with this immense overstimulation from my surroundings and I am busy trying to block it out, how hard is it going to see things that JUST ARE.  If I am in this blocking mode how hard is it to see things that people are doing that are  so camouflaged in their  understatement, they JUST ARE.

Maybe getting on the right wavelength would open up new vistas for me.  Maybe paying attention would mean discovering things that aren’t readily apparent.  Am I rambling?  No, I think that I am getting somewhere.

Maybe this all was crystallized by a conversation that I had yesterday with a neighbor.  He has a problem that is serious, it’s not cancer but something else life  changing.  Anyway early on in the process of dealing with this disease he and a friend who also had the same or similar problem were biking and making jokes with each other about how many other bikers they were passing.  You know, like if those people only knew how screwed up we are and we are still passing them.  But  somewhere along the line they realized that perhaps there was more to it and maybe those people had problems too.  It is the realization like on the Camino when you get outside yourself and understand that everyone walking has a story.

The sun is out, the sky is blue and off I go, love again, Felipe.