Itty Bitty Snake

St Clare
St Clare

I was just saying to My Rebecca, what am I going to write about? I said that I had seen the littlest snake today and she reminded me that I had a knock out blog post about the Itty Bitty Spiders a while back. OK.

And then here we are with Our Jennifer watching Roger Federer in the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament at our place and we are giggling and trying to tie the snakes in with tennis somehow to come up with this post. Everyone is helping. Something about “if pigs could fly” or “if snakes could wear tennis shoes”. I don’t know, I don’t have much hope that this thing will come together.

Well, it is Labor Day, here in the States anyway, which is a day to not labor, is my take on it. So maybe I will go with that and say I’m just going to not labor too hard on this one. We got some giggles out out of it so far and that is a good holiday sort of thing.

But hark Our Jennifer pulls it out last minute with, “I’m going to name my next cat Roger!” Of course she is thinking about her tennis idol Roger Federer, that Roger. Sounds like a pretty innocent thing for a person to say except Jennifer just got a new cat and Jennifer has a serious cancer hobby. She is not supposed to be thinking like that. She is not supposed to be talking like that. Ah, so nice, right? I am so happy for her that she can we escape once in a while like that. Spoken like a true Commando, Jennifer, well done.

OK, that’s it for Labor Day and Labor Day marks the end of summer in Americans’ minds, so yea the end of the end. Good bye summer but autumn is full of good stuff in my mind like football, apple cider and hunting trips. Off we go then into the future, love, Felipe.