It’s The Perfectest



First day of summer and blue sky breaking out all over the place.A

Perfectest, a totally new word that I thought of this AM.  I was inspired by one of my nurses here.  I am so lucky to have so many good friends here.

In Camino terms perfectest would mean what?  It would mean that one is moving forward, experiencing things so to speak.  Or if not moving forward at least healing up or regrouping so one could get going soon, just a temporary state.  Perfect is another word for whatever comes up on the trail next.  Deal with it gracefully and that’s it, we have bigger fish to fry down the road.

In terms of perfectest in the ordinary world, it would mean something else.  The ordinary world is the world governed by ordinary thinking.  It is full of right and wrong and them and us and super full of expectations.  We feel like all sorts of things are due us.  We expect things to happen in a certain way, in a certain perfect way.

Ironically (I know that’s not a real word either but it’s fun also), today I got the news from my scan that happened yesterday.  In layman’s terms it didn’t look great.  My little guys were rowdy and have grown more than the usual pace.  Yea, and the result of that is my oncologist, code named Nugget, put me on a stronger chemo that I am not looking forward to.  We have always known that I would probably need to do this and all of a sudden the time is now.  Yea, stronger chemo means stronger side effects and that is the worry.

So, do you see the ironical?  This is far from the perfectest news or this is not what I expected today.  But in terms of Caminothink (oh, is THAT a new word) I am supposed to deal with it gracefully and move on, right?  And that is what I am going to do to the best of my ability.  I’ve got bigger fish to fry down the road might be the key to the whole deal.

I am sure glad that you guys let me make up stuff as I go along.  I am blessed.  And you know that no matter what happens with my rowdy friends in my lungs the blog will go on.  This is a description of the trail this blog is.  So if the trail gets rougher it doesn’t mean that the blog will end.  There are more new words that need making so I’ll be here.

OK, time to order some lunch here at the treatment center.  Caminothinking about you, love, Felipe.



12 thoughts on “It’s The Perfectest”

  1. We are blessed. Thinking about you and Rebecca. Rock on with your Archery Retreat!

    1. Jessika ~ we are pumped about this weekend. I like the retreat aspect. We are going to discover some stuff we didn’t know we had in us! Bless you My Sacristan, Felipe.x

  2. Phil, I love the idea that we have some bigger more perfecter fish to fry later. Not excited for your more intense chemo but I am grateful that we are all on this journey together. Thank you for being you. Love you, friend!

    1. Esther ~ thanks dear, you are sooo in the zone. It’s one big wrestling match at the moment. Thanks for your support. Hello to Daniel. Never a dull moment, Felipe.x

  3. Querido Felipe,

    When in Ireland, I caminothought a lot a line of David Whyte’s poem “Santiago”. The line was “Your lost brought you here”. And that sentence is perfectest for the Camigos that gather here at Caminoheads. “We are so often made by what would break us”. In our case, we are pilgrims. And within all the things we could be, that is a beautiful one. And within all the things that come with being a pilgrim, there are the fellow pilgrims.
    This is all to say, in Caminoterms, that if the road gets tougher, the Caminofamily can pick up your bag pack and carry it on for a while but we can also stay some more days lingering around the same town, if a rest is needed. As pilgrims we also like the Caminoafternoon’s cerveza in the bar in the pueblo 😉

    Caminohugs and CaminoGratitude for your friendship Felipe!

    1. Hola Cris ~ I think that I am really sparking you. Good thoughts from you, thank you. I’ll have to take you up on cerveza someCaminowhere! Hehe, we are having fun now! Felipe.x

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