It is raining outside…

Still cloudy, the day after the big rain storm. PIc by Felipe

Dear Caminoheads,


Thank you for your patience this week. I have a screen time overload… please know I have some messages from some of you that I will catch up with during this weekend, but still I did want to come to write a couple lines.  One of the recurring thoughts I have is related to the concept of time, and what is that time does to us (other than aging us)… in Spanish there is this line that says “El tiempo todo lo cura” (Time heals everything), but the Spanish people have another version of that, that says “El tiempo lo único que cura es el Jamón” (Time only “curates” the jam). I must say I am supportive of the latest version: I don’t think time heals everything, I just believe that as time passes, we get involved into a new routine and we take the risk of forgetting, we lost track of things, we get busy with something else that is already in our plates… it feels like competition: one thing leaves and space for another is made, and we just move on… but that is not how we are designed to function… The healthy thing is to make space, take the time to grieve and miss Phil…


This afternoon was the end of a very dark grey day. I closed my work computer at a reasonable time (yet late), get some “mate” and just did nothing other than listening to the rain outside that had just started. And then my phone alert for an email went off… and… this is what I got in an email sent by one of Phil’s best friends:


Reforming Oneself

It has been raining again. I have been indoors, meditating on the shortcomings of life.
I wish there were more kindly persons in the world. Our competitive life develops selfishness and unkindness.I am determined to do something about it. I cannot hope to convert many persons. To convert one person, I shall do well.
I will begin with the person I know best – myself.
When it rains and one is much indoors one is likely to meditate on the shortcomings of life.
Let me think – how shall I make myself kind, gentle considerate?
I do believe it has stopped raining.
I can go out now. I’ll go and shoot on the archery range.
I’ll not bother to reform myself today. Perhaps tomorrow – if it is raining, and I must stay indoors, and meditate on the shortcomings of life.

Synergically connected loves,
