I Loved Yesterday’s Blogpost

Can you make that out? A hint of white will be blossoms on the Snow Drops soon.

At the moment that I saw Catherine take a hold of that problem I was so amazed. How can one person be so stumped by an obstacle, me, and another see a clear path around it? It is delightful to see how our differences provide for a multitude of interpretations and responses to the world around us.

And we did enjoy our bagels and cream cheese by the way. I don’t even know if I mentioned that yesterday. It would be good to mention at this point that I did weigh in at 172.5 pounds at Dr Gold’s last Wednesday. That is up almost ten pounds from a low a year ago. This is very heartwarming for me. Thank you My Rebecca mostly for this.

We are having a work party today at 3:30, our usual walk time, to clean up the trail through the woods. I was in there yesterday chainsawing my way through and this afternoon some folks are coming to help clean that up. So, if you are around and not doing anything in particular we could use you. Tapas afterward.

The melting of the snow outside is perceptible but glacial. Yea. Most everyone on the Island is dug out now but it still covers most everything up here where we are.

Well, time to be off on my day. Good luck to you where you are. Getting around the obstacles loves, Felipé.

4 thoughts on “I Loved Yesterday’s Blogpost”

  1. I loved yesterday’s blog post too. And I love that you’ve got more weight on you.
    I wish we could help with trail clean-up, but we are flying off to Mexico. We’ll send missives.
    Will miss you.

    1. Dana ~ yea, sometimes we amaze each other. It is interesting how that presented itself. So, yes, off to Mexico. Do some good thawing out for us too while you are at it. Oh the trail cleanup went well. It is going to be a while before things get back to peaceful. Thanks for the goodies too. Felipé.x

  2. My Dear Phil,
    Just read your blogs from the last 15 days as I have been without any electronic device that would otherwise keep me updated.
    Knowing that my LOVE,MOTHER NATURE,has put before you many challenges over the last few weeks I’m wondering how best to tell you where I have been.
    Found an answer.
    I’ve decided to e mail you a few of the 1,500 pictures that I took from this portion of my Life Journey.
    Up here ( while I’ve been basking in the Sun ) the weather has been the coldest it has been in many a month of February. Tonight the snow shovel is being put to good use. Thankfully my wonderful neighbours have done some snow removal while I was gone.
    Pictures coming—
    With Gratitude.

    1. Oh William, so sorry you are back in the coldness. And do hope that is not headed this way. The pix that you sent are great. I will use some on the blog in the next days. Don’t over do it on the shoveling. Felipé.

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