How To Fix Your Audi With Common Garden Tools Or Who Needs Peter Sellers.

Sunrise from the ferry.  Off to Seattle for another adventure.
Sunrise from the ferry. Off to Seattle for another adventure.

This starts out with Jennifer and I rushing in the early morning trying to surf through the traffic to get to the hospital. We stopped at a grocery store to pick up some healthy treats for our doctors and nurses. In the process of grabbing her Eco friendly shopping bag from the Audi trunk Jennifer locked the car keys in there.

We didn’t realize that was our situation till we came back out from the store and then, “Oh, my gosh!” So Jennifer sees that the sun roof window is open four inches and she crawls up on top of the car over the back bumper to see if she can reach the door handle but no bueno. I’m looking around and me being the fix’it guy, the tool guy, I see the landscaper’s truck parked close by and ask the guy if I can borrow a hoe. So Jennifer gets busy trying to hook the inside door handle with the business end of the hoe and the landscaper is fishing around with another tool, some kind of long handled scraper. I’m freaking out in my own quiet way. This is an Audi people, be careful!

Our Plan B is not working so we take a breather and she remembers that she has a spare key in her purse. Where is the purse? There it is on the floor of the back seat. So eventually with enough tries she hooks the strap and hoists it aloft and out the sunroof with the hoe. Slick!! I left a package of snack tomatoes on the front seat of the landscaper’s truck as a thank you. And we were off.

So just the kind of comedy, of fresh air, that our doctor recommended. He wanted us to stay open, to be present and let the unexpected in. He was saying to do this to dilute the heaviness that can accumulate and cause us to feel overwhelmed. So yea, we laughed our tails off, just what the doctor ordered. And I would have loved to have gotten a pic of Our Jennifer in all her glory attacking what ailed the beautiful Audi with a common garden tool but unfortunately my IPad Mini was at that instant locked inside. We were laughing too hard to think of that anyway, next time.

So, we made it to the hospital and were a few minutes early actually in spite of the unplanned caper. All in a day’s work for Cancer Commandos. Fresh air loves you’ll, love Felipe.