
Camino shot from Robert Laturno. Good one!

Hey, a great new thing has happened! My spell check came through and invented a great new word., HEARTSHIP. What do you think? I think we can work with it. It must be defined something like the state of having heart, right? Yea, I was trying to write the word hardship and heartship was substituted. A thousand times this is frustrating and then once it coughs up a gem!

Speaking of that, I myself need to cough up a gem later this afternoon. Have a scan this afternoon to check out my insides and could use some good news from way in there. Pray for me just a tenth of a second.

We have been talking for years about the Camino, pilgrimage, walking and related issues. It happens quite a bit here at the blog that just when I think I am dry for inspiration, something new comes appears to work on. Somehow had this image come to mind of us walking, of moving forward, of accumulating experience, of being together as “walking into the bigger picture”. I like it so much. That is really what we are doing. Yes, I think we can work with it.

Well, time to shower and get the tractor dust off me for my hospital visit. See you soon. Maybe send a note to My Rebecca wishing her a Happy Birthday. OK, heartship loves, Felipe.

5 thoughts on “Heartship!”

    1. Dave ~ hi. Thank you and thank you. We had a nice little party this evening on the deck outside. Getting toward the end of the season, rain coming any day. Hope everything is well with you. Felipe.

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