Gone Poeting

Very timely, The Padre just sent some wonderful jungle pics to us. He knows what’s goin on.

It is actually quite close to “Gone Fishing” at least in my experience. But today I thought I would just be mostly absent because poetry is starting to leak out and it would be good to gather it up and see what we have.

Catherine put some interesting things on comments: Yeats once said that, “rhetoric is the argument you have with others, poetry the argument you have with yourself.” “Because f you weren’t arguing with yourself, figuring something out for yourself or working through some issue that’s pressing itself upon your life – you could probably rest quite happy in silence. But because there is a fertile dilemma, a rich imbalance somewhere in your life, or heart, or understanding, you write a poem.” (Bill Moyers)

Yea, something like that maybe. So off I go to the Poetry Jungle to explore and map.

Absent today, gone poeting loves, Felipé.

2 thoughts on “Gone Poeting”

  1. What a grand description of where poetry comes from. I now see how all my poetry came from pondering life’s dilemmas.
    Wonderful to see this anew.

    1. Nancy ~ You learn a lot walking with Catherine. Come by sometime. Anew, what a great word. Felipé.x

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