Freya’s First Christmas Eve 2017


Our Massachusetts Christmas tree.


Well, it’s everyone’s Christmas Eve everywhere but right here all things circle around the newly arrived Freya.  I have yet to hold her as all the women crowded ahead of me.  This is where we are at.

I made it to Mass this AM at St. Bridget’s.  I was there two years ago and it is nice to visit again.  Treacherous walking the .7 miles each way.  I fell two times on the way going and not at all on the way back so making progress.

The Padre spoke about the virtues of waiting.  We think that we are so in charge of everything as we rush around crossing things off our lists as they are accomplished.  But maybe the really really important things happen in their own time and with their own doing.  And maybe we just get in the way most of the time.

So maybe that is my big new year’s resolution to do more waiting or at least to do some thinking about waiting, or meditating on it.  Sounds like it is not going to make my list longer anyway.

Time to get ready to get on the road here, off to some where or other.  See you tomorrow on the Big Day.  Peace to you, love, Felipe.