Fred’s Law

Annie lit a candle for me in Spain.


Was out in the woods with six of my teenage archery campers this afternoon.  Seems like walking through the boonies should be something that we already know how to do by that age.  I seem to always make the same mistake by taking that for granted.

Somewhere in there comes Fred’s Law which is named after my father and Wiley’s grandfather.  It seems like it was one of the earliest things that I remember learning ages ago.  It seems pretty simple but so many of the really basic things are really simple.  It seems just remembering to do them amidst the usual general confusion becomes the challenge.

Simply Fred’s Law is don’t step on anything you can step over.  Easy peasy.   Kid’s want to jump up on top of stuff when just walking down a trail which is a problem because rocks and logs are notoriously slippery.  Fred’s Law is part of that notion that you are going to travel through the backcountry without becoming a liability for your partner or partners.  No unnecessary risks are allowed.

Seems all pretty boring after all the crazy stuff we are fed on TV and in the movies.  Just saw Wonder Woman and all the leaps and jumps and flips are fun to watch but hardly even slightly in the realm of anything anywhere.   Kids come to camp after watching that stuff and what are their expectations?   And in the meantime I am trying to have them remember really simple stuff like Fred’s Law.

Yup, love them though, the little squirrels, my campers.  Well, that’s it for today.  Going to mow and fix dinner.  Fred’s Love, Felipe.





2 thoughts on “Fred’s Law”

    1. Annie ~ well, and thanks coming all this way to be with us. Your merry band is a lot of fun. And please read Caminoheads and comment when you have time. I appreciate all the thoughts, Felipe.x

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