Fra Angelico



Our beloved Sister Joyce "walking" the trail.  Never a dull moment.
Our beloved Sister Joyce “walking” the trail. Never a dull moment.

Our Catherine and I walked Phil’s Camino yesterday morning.  We did our usual three laps engrossed in our usual great conversation.  Then we decided to say the rosary together as we walked another lap (.88 km) because  the layout of one lap is in fact a giant rosary.  We walk and say the prayer and know where we are by the six bird feeders which mark the six places that “Our Father’s” are said.   Although, sometimes I use the actual rosary as I walk,  increasingly I am just using the walk as a rosary which has a great feel as long as I don’t get distracted by too much along the way.

So, we said it out loud and I added a few explanations here and there so our timing didn’t always work out but we got it done just the same.  With a little more practice we will work though the prayer and there will be just the right amount of time and space to say it and that is with no frills, just the basics as I learned out of the Magnificat Rosary Companion.

This little beautiful book the “Companion” has reproductions of famous frescos (paintings done on wet plaster) mostly all by a man known to us as Fra Angelico.  They mark various important places in the prayer.  So my memory has captured these images and they appear to me at the right points “along the prayer”.  So, the trail, the six bird feeders and the mental images work together to give a beautiful new way to experience this age old prayer.  Works for me anyway.

My good email friend Kate Barush (Catalina B) will be up here at Phil’s Camino over this Memorial Day weekend to check this out first hand.  She is an Art Historian from one of the Catholic colleges in Berkley.  It will be fun to walk, pray and work with her on this.  Annie O’ Neil brought us together, thank you Annie.

So, I just wanted to bring you up on the current news on Fra Angelico (1387 – 1455), which needed doing.  We need to dust him off here at Caminoheads and put him back to work.   OK, got to get ready for my city trip and the rest of my day.  Dusty loves, Felipe.x