A Fly in My Coffee

I was emailing with Annie yesterday and we were writing about inspirations for blogging.  And I was saying that I thought that I did my best work when something was bugging me.  That thing could be a bad thing or a good thing in normal thought.  But it is something that sort of clings to you and hangs around.  It is good ammo for blogging and good probably to get rid of it, which of course, makes room for the next one.

So, very ironic that this AM with my well deserved first cup of joe, what is floating in there but a big juicy fly.  I would put that in the category of bugging, wouldn’t you?  That was minutes ago and right in the middle of my half baked  thoughts about what to blog about this AM.

Back to that in a minute.  What really needs to be done is to write a brief statement for a newspaper add that will appear in the Beachcomber about a donation drive.  Yesterday I blogged about the documentary film idea that is struggling along.  A lot of creative work is being done but until we get some financial help behind that we are not going anywhere.  Big money from big sources is proving hard to come by.  So, we are looking to get local and focused on raising funds from “just folks”.   Our daughter, Tesia, is going to do the graphics for the add and she asked me to provide some text for the appeal.  So, I thought that I would combine that with doing this blog and then there is the fly also.  Hmm.

“This morning there was a fly in my coffee.  This life there was cancer in my body.  What I have learned I would like to share with others who are suffering.  How can we rise above our circumstances and do more than we thought was possible?  How can we stay inspired and possibly inspire others?  We are looking for a way to fund a documentary film about my journey through the medical world, spiritual world and the world of the Camino de Santiago.  Please help us fund this small project about the search for  healing in…. ”

There, how is that so far?  Not quite there but pretty darn good.  Have to get the last sentence hammered out.  How about,”Please help us in our search for funds to tell this story about one man’s search for healing in a complicated world.”  Sort of, but too complicated.  “Help us to tell this story about one man’s search for healing.”  OK.  “Vashon, help me  to tell one man’s story about a three year search for inspiration, connection and healing.”  Not bad.  I like saying that to Vashon.  “Vashon, please help me to fund this small project about one man’s search for inspiration, connection and healing in a complex world.”   All right, let’s see what that looks like all together.

“This morning there was a fly in my coffee.  This life there was cancer in my body.  What I have learned I would like to share with others who are suffering.  How can we rise above our circumstances and do more than we thought was possible?   How can we connect to something larger than ourselves?  How can we stay inspired and possibly inspire others?  I am looking for help to fund a documentary film about my journey through the medical world, spiritual world and the world of the ancient mystical Camino de Santiago.  Vashon, please help bring to light this small project about one man’s search for inspiration, connection and healing in a complex world.”

Well, I think that is good.  Need it pruf readed.  OK, so I am off to walk with Kelly and Signe in the cool of the morning.  Walking seems a soothing rest from the details of life.  Saint James is Afoot, Phil.



2 thoughts on “A Fly in My Coffee”

  1. I love the story about the box with string too short to save. My grandmother saved string all tied together and wound in a big ball. She saved the left over ends of soap in a jar. She made warm, heavy, embroidered quilts from old wool coats. She was an expert at making something from nothing. I loved her very much.

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