Cherry TGIF #10

Cherry in Spain last summer.
Cherry in Spain last summer.

(And now the always insightful Australian pilgrim Cherry. She always seems to come through when I need her. Thank you Cherry for being with us so consistently. This piece/peace speaks to me).

Here you go Phil, love you x plenty of funny spelling in this one for you guys again. Would you prefer I wrote with US spelling?

This morning I watched a fascinating TED video about a Social Scientist Academic, Dr Brown, who was talking about her research into human connections. About half way through said research, Dr Brown experienced what she referred to as a ‘breakdown’, and promptly went off to see a therapist. But the therapist didn’t refer to her situation as a ‘breakdown’, instead named it a ‘spiritual awakening’.

It made me reflect on my current situation and my perspective. I thought, many people would see my current predicament as a breakdown. After all, I have no job, I have no home of my own and I have no partner. I realised that I hadn’t looked at my life this way. I remember someone once saying to me that there are 3 important pillars of a stable life; a job, a home and a loving partner. And I have often repeated this to others and believed it myself.

I have none of these things, yet I feel the happiest I have ever felt in my life. I am free to spend my days however I want. I guess I am blessed to have some savings still so I don’t have to rush out and find any old job so there is that going in my favour. But I’m lacking what I always believed the fundamental pillars of life to be and yet I am content with that.

I can practice yoga and meditation every day. I can go to the beach and swim in the ocean. I can spend the whole day reading a book or writing one. I can even spend the afternoon having philosophical and spiritual debates with my semi-retired mum. And I have learnt that these are the best of the best for me, my true pillars of life. They are the things I love doing for myself and that I deserve to do these things. And although some may view my current situation as a breakdown, I know that this is all part of my spiritual awakening.

If you would like to watch the TED video I was referring to you can view it here: