Camino Family

The Camino de Compostela with friends Jim and Gloria.



As we were. Kelly and I on that trail in 2014.


Ron from Virginia put this in his comment a few days ago: “ Love to you and all the others who make this great Camino family so important to our well-being.”  Something nice about that.

Last Sunday at church Father blessed the families in the parish.  He asked families to stand up at Mass.  Jessika, Catherine and I were sitting together and when Father asked the families to stand we took one look at each other and all realized that we needed to stand.  We were the Camino family so we got blessed all together.

“…so important to our well-being.”  Yea, let’s have some more of that well-being, could we?  I think that I would feel lost these days if I didn’t have the Camino to support me.  It is hard to say how much I rely on it but it is substantial for sure.

We have been talking about this topic for three and a half years now but it still seems new, vital and mysterious.  Usaually mysterious is thought about as hard or impossible to understand, an obstacle to knowing.  But I have heard mystery talked about like it could be with contemplation a source of never ending knowledge and inspiration, a font.

That would work wouldn’t it, to have a font.   May we never tire of our relationship with the Camino and with each other, us the Caminoheads.  I know we could write on for another year about it, God willing, couldn’t we?  OK, onward into 2018!

Who knows what the future will bring at this threshold of a new year.  But what I want to know is will Caminoheads, the blog, keep going for the benefit of everyone if I can no longer can do it?  Ah, the sunshine just landed on me for encouragement, nice.  But really, this surely is bigger than this one person Felipe.  Wouldn’t it be great to plan to keep this moving on no matter what?  If the font will go on then can we find a way to keep reporting on it?  Something to think about.

Oh, it is such a beautiful day for wintertime Seattle.  I am going to enjoy it, love, Felipe.

2 thoughts on “Camino Family”

  1. Hola Felipe,

    I enroll in the list of writers, if there is one 🙂 You may need to bear with my English-as-second-language possible mistakes, and with my “exotic” thinking? (was that the word you use?!) but I think, that as pilgrims, we have a higher tolerance, don’t we?

    Camino Family… weird enough, that is what we end being. For multiple reasons, starting with the fact that if we share something in common, we are a family (bacterias, plants, drugs, etc, are gathered in familiies, why not pilgrims?) But also, it is easy to realize that after a while, we also take up a role in relation with the others… during the pilgrimage, and even after, for some I became a sister, for some others, I became an aunt, for some others, I became the daughter, with all, a bond difficult to describe was formed. And I think, like in all the families, there is a need to keep the bond growing… I am lucky to say my bond is kept with most of the pilgrims who were my family, even if from some of them, I keep knowing from other “Camino Family Members”…
    And lastly, as in all families happen, we keep knowing Camino Family Members who we didn’t know in the Camino, but are like those relatives you happen to discover doing genealogy or talking with some other family member… like yourself. Are we less family because we didn’t walk together or sleep in the same albergue the same night? Definitely not! We are family because we recognize as a part of the same group: pilgrims.

    Well, it is time to finish my lunch break and go back to work. It is a busy day, and the wind seems to have a busy day also, it is blowing like crazy, and it is hot!

    Camino Family Member Hugs,

    1. Cris ~ thank you. You just dove right into this one but you know I had a feeling you would. You are immensely perfect for this job. The second language is not a problem. It adds flavor.

      I think that you have an amazing grasp on what we are doing here. It has been incredibly rewarding for me writing this daily blog and I think that keeping it going would be a good thing for writer and reader alike. Right now we have a little over a thousand visits a month to our little flame.

      We will have to think about how to open up the blog to yourself and other bright lights. Perhaps you could write on a particular day, once a week. Is that too much, too little?

      It would be fascinating to see Caminoheads be a venue for seven writers to participate. Wouldn’t that be rich! One from each continent. Wait how many continents are there?


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