Bury Me In My Lucky Shirt

My favorite shot from 2014. It seems a view from the inner Camino.
(photo K Burke)

Is there always a way to see stuff in a positive light? Can I just keep getting up after every hard time? Can I find inspiration continually? Is it possible to keep going no matter what comes up? I had the hardest night last night. As you can tell something happened.

It was shades of mental illness in nightmare form for me. I really don’t want to go into it totally but some explanation is appropriate I think, as it is the flip side of my good crazy dreams. Guess you can’t have one without the other.

A common form of nightmare for me is the anxiety dream. I get stuck in some situation where there is maximum pressure about something. I can’t find something or I am running out of time to get somewhere. That kind of thing. But fortunately I have always woke up and realized that it was a dream and I was off the hook.

Somehow last night this dang thing lasted all night, I couldn’t shake it. It felt like I suppose some form of mental illness would feel like. My cause was good and my methods were good and I could see what I was supposed to do but the procedure was complicated and I was not up to it. I keep losing my place and forgetting things. It was a quagmire of frustration.

Somehow I thought that I should report on that. Now I am regrouping and it is 1PM. It was all what I call now a Pyrenees time when you do your hardest trek and have your hardest day. If I frame it like that I can find the inspiration to get back up.

Well, enough of that. Sunny day, the mower calls.

Pyrenees loves, Felipé.

8 thoughts on “Bury Me In My Lucky Shirt”

  1. Hi boss,
    Something must be going on the dream world because I am also having dreams like yours… but in my case, I never dream, or better said, I never remember my dreams, but lately it has been wild…
    In fact, I was thinking on writing a piece on dreams too, based on something that so very timely came to my email yesterday… (Perhaps Ron also read it? It was in the newsletter from the radio show “On being” that he and I are fond of…)
    Anyway, will send it your way…

    Hang in there… after the Pyrenees, there is O Cebreiro, but nothing compares with the Pyrenees because it is not only the hardest, but it catches us untrained! (although fresh of spirits as “green” pilgrims!!!)

    Love you and miss you!
    Cris (CSABC)

    1. Cris ~ I see that material that you sent but haven’t read it yet. Ah, the dreams, I am taking the good with the bad these days. But yes, it’s all very active. Thanks, Felipé.x

  2. Hola, Felipe!
    When it comes to anxiety dreams, I rule! Mine are always of the variety that involve some feedlot animal fiasco/disaster. I stumble across an entire pen of cattle/hogs/sheep that I’ve completely forgotten about, and they are all either dead or near dead of starvation. I’m beyond consoling. Cathy usually wakes me up from these as my moans and thrashing are apparently uber dramatic. I have a hard time shaking them to return to sleep also, as I review in my head what the situation actually is outside. And they continue, even though all of our lots have been empty for close to four years now. I chock it up to the decades of “high responsibility” for having that many animals under my care. Once you have confined an animal and restrict its movement, all burdens of its livelihood are shifted to your own shoulders.

    So, message is, you’re not alone there in anxiety dreamland, Amigo. Welcome Aboard. 🙂


    1. Juan ~ yea, thanks, I can see your problem. Now I am glad that I shared that. Felipé.

  3. Hi Filipe:
    I hope you share this “dream” “nightmare” with your doctors. Possibly, they have an answer or perhaps drug related. I too, have had nightmares that were so terrifying they haunted me for months. They were the kind where I was being physically tortured. They occurred during the time I was on life -support and was in a coma for over two weeks! I was so terrified when I woke up that I was convinced I had been kidnapped for some bizarre medical experiments! Since it was just at the beginning of COVID no family were allowed to visit me and I had no idea where I was or how I got there (this was after I woke up). Since I was vented I could not question what had happened to me. I was near panic and wanted to escape except I was tied down and had tubes running in and out of me everywhere! I was trapped in a place I knew nothing of how I got there or how I would escape! My dreams were of people doing things to my body and all I could do was watch! They call these dreams/“nightmares” “ICU terrors” and it is believed they are caused by the massive amounts of medication they pour into your body! I am not sure Hell could be any worse! It messed with me psychologically and emotionally and it has take nearly a year to shake the vividness of those dreams! And prior to this I never usually had dreams either!

    1. Oh Carol, that is all so horrible sounding. I am sorry you had to endure that. Massive doses of love to you dear. Felipé.x

  4. Oh, dearest Felipe. My heart goes out to you for these kinds of dreams are exhausting. My hope is that a whole bunch of stored anxiety got released in that dream. It is healing to hold it out to the Universe and ask, “What is this?”

    Expect an answer and please let us know.

    Much love and hugs,

    1. Debra ~ oh thank you. I am glad that I brought that out in the open. I will ask the Universe about it, yes. Felipé.x

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