Just had a good safe flight in to LAX. Up in my hotel room taking a few moments to enjoy the quiet. Things are so noisy everywhere, my observation.
I have a bunch of meetings with doctors and patients tomorrow which is the reason for my trip. I hesitate to say too much beforehand. This is all about meeting folks and learning how things work in the cancer rehab area basically. I have things to contribute and they have things to contribute and we are trying to see how that will interface.
Well, I brought my jar full of corn with me to keep me company. It was something that I put together for Thanksgiving as a demonstration of abundance. Two seeds that I planted in May made this much corn is what it “says”. And am so glad that it made it through TSA at the airport security where it got a lot of attention.
More to come loves, Felipé.
Glad your corn made it through! One time one of my kids was going to have her baby doll cut open because of mysterious “beads” in her baby bottom… high drama! until an agent said, oh I had that doll, it is to help her sit up! 30 people standing around to see if the crying girl’s doll got demolished… Whew.
Hope you have the best of Whew days tomorrow. Show and tell goodness all around.
🌽 ✈️ 🛌 👨⚕️ 🚶🏻💙
Blessings on your time there my brother. I think of you often and wish to come walk soon.
Military time isn’t my forte but I’m assuming it is 3:30 now for the afternoons. :))
Nancy ~ hi. Yes, please come and walk with us. And 3:30 is our afternoon walk for the winter. Three weeks to the solstice! Felipe.x
Bless you. Bless the corn. “I have great faith in a seed”. Henry David Thoreau.
Blessings on you. May seeds be planted.
Dana ~ my corn buddy was a big hit. A great demonstration of abundance. I gave him to the headman down here. See you all soon. Felipé.x
Wow! The abundance coming from two “seeds”! It’s what I am made to contemplate here with your daily posts. We never walk alone on The Way of Saint James. This apostle studied and learned from Our Lord. He brought this learning to others just as you are doing on your trip and in your writing.
Always in search of The Way, The Truth and The Life!
The Beatitudes of the Pilgrim
Blessed are you pilgrim…
1. If you discover that the Camino opens your eyes to what is not seen.
2. If what concerns you most is not to arrive, as to arrive with others.
3. When you contemplate the Camino and discover it is full of names and dawns.
4. Because you have discovered that the authentic Camino begins when it is contemplated.
5. If your backpack is emptying of things and your heart does not know where to hang up so many feelings and emotions.
6. If you discover that one step back to help another is more valuable than a hundred forward without seeing what is at your side.
7. When you don’t have words to give thanks for everything that surprises you at every twist and turn of the way.
8. If you search for the truth and make of the Camino a life and of your life a Way, in search of the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
9. If on the Way you meet yourself and gift yourself with time, without rushing, as not to disregard the image of your heart.
10. If you discover that the Camino holds a lot of silence; and the silence of prayer; and the prayer of meeting with God who is waiting for you.
¡Dios te bendiga Felipe!
Diego ~ hello and thank you for the review. Can’t get enough of the Beatitudes. Hope to see you at some point soon, well, summertime anyway. Alperfect, Felipé.