Bacon And Waffles

Catching the big one!
Catching the big one!

Just got done with the construction workers’ breakfast. The taste of maple syrup flavoring my thoughts. Wiley off to work with the crew. Rebecca off to a substitute job at the high school. I have a few minutes to write.

We are starting to pack for the big party in Austin, the culmination of two years of work for us. That is not right. It is not the end but it is a huge landmark on our journey, our Cruz de Ferro perhaps. It is telling us that we are on the map, doing something significant being who we are.

I am looking forward to reuniting with the film crew, Todd, Jessica and Rebecca. They will always be special to me because we shared so much both in Spain and here, super folks. I am excited about meeting Doug Blush who lent so much knowledge and expertise to our effort. Annie will be there who is the spark plug of this whole operation. At all times and in all places she was there sheparding us along.

So glad the Rebecca is able to share this with us. She is a large part of the film. Probably leaving people out. Kelly should be there and Rick. Maybe someone will show up, a complete suprise. St James will be present of course. He is like oxygen for us, nothing less.

But today we are in prep mode. Yea, packing for a new adventure. Have to get out of farmer thought and back into pilgrim thought. Yes, that’s it, pilgrim thought, love you, Felipe.

2 thoughts on “Bacon And Waffles”

  1. Hola Felipe!

    Getting excited for ALL of you on Phil’s Camino Express! Wanted you to know that the WWMCF (World Wide Marine Corps Family) is gearing up to provide support and covering fire for you down there. My main man Corps Amigo is rattling the arroyos and the sage brush down there to get some good folk with USMC connections to attend your big show and maybe get to pat you on the back and say, Well Done, Marine.


    1. PFJ ~ oh, that is red hot news buddy. This is going to be so much fun! Thanks for all your support. I still have high hopes for Dubuque too, speaking of fun! Semper Fi, PFF.

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