Back At The Hospital


What fun! A little different scene today. My portable pump had a malfunction four hours before the contents were supposed to run out so I came in early. Now I sit waiting to see what Dr Gold wants to do. And the best part is the ambience that I brought along. I’m always bringing in treats for the staff. Got strawberries today and pound of them are setting on the little table next to me and they are smelling up the place, how wonderful!

What else is happening here? Well I occasionally steal a magazine from the waiting room and today I brought one back. Wednesday I took a National Geographic and today I brought a Western Washington Destination magazine that was free on the ferry. I no longer set it down than a lady snatched it up and said to her husband, look how great is this. So, obviously I could help spruce up the waiting room with some better reading.

Well, that mag did have the dates wrong for the Port Townsend Film Festival. The dates for 2016 off the website are September 23-25. Start planning now. OK, nappy time, love, Felipe.x