Angela’s coming, Angela’s Coming!

Life is just a bowl of tomatoes!


Yes, yes, did the dishes, swept the floor, took out the trash.  Holy Cow!  Yes, Angela is coming today with her new husband Dave.  They are on a round the world honeymoon trip and of course one of their stops is Phil’s Camino.  Maybe this will be their favorite stop.

Three summers ago when Kelly and I were trudging the Camino we meet Angela and Mary Margaret about the same time somewhere out on the Meseta.  Hot, dusty, exposed we clung together.  But somehow tapas every night revived us.  How does that work anyway?  We achieved the rare prize of being “louder than the Italians” on occasion which is our real claim to fame.

Oh, I didn’t mention that Ange and Dave are traveling all this way from Australia from Sidney.  She and Gracie and Cherry were my introductions to that continent.  Thank you ladies you did a good job, felt like I’ve been there.  You were good representatives.

OK, time to walk the Thursday 0900 walk.  Sunny, blue sky and cool today.  Miss you all.  Come see us when you get a chance.  Most of you don’t have to come all they way from Down Under,  no excuses.  Plenty of tapas to be had here!  Love, Felipe.

2 thoughts on “Angela’s coming, Angela’s Coming!”

  1. Aww…thanks for bringing back memories from the Camino. Reading your blog does that. It brings me back to certain days, certain times…it’s all so wonderful!
    Today four students came up to me and said, “You promised us that today was the day you were going to show us pictures of Mr. Phil.” That’s what they call you when they pray for you. They have been wanting to see this man they have been faithfully praying for every morning. With our day packed with reading, writing, math, and all the rest that goes along with a 4th grade curriculum, it’s difficult to get anything else in. But tomorrow I will show them pictures of you. You are their new friend.
    Take care!

    1. Dear Loretta ~ Mr Phil, I got promoted! I am honored and privileged to be the recipient of so many prayers from your students. It reminds me of when I was in elementary school way back when and a siren would go by on the street all the little Polish girls would be crossing themselves with a little prayer for someone they didn’t even know. But it doesn’t matter, it is just a soul in trouble. I have taken up the practice myself here in my later years. So looking forward to seeing the Marauders and maybe visiting your class, just an idea. Felipe.x

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