Amazing Phenomena

Sent along by Ronaldo from Astorga and I will use it again.

I loved Ronaldo’s post yesterday about the amazing skies overhead when he returned home from the Camino. I remember Annie writing something similar on her reentry yers ago. She was checking on the news and the papers looking for the explanation of the exceptional atmospheric show. Then finally she realized that it was her that had changed and not the clouds, that was the explanation.

Ronaldo and Annie were looking at the familiar and seeing a whole new and expanded version. We recognize that, we know that “lifting of the veil” exists for all of us if we are just ready. It is reminding me of our situation here right now in Advent. We await but for what? What if we could see the old tired Christmas story for what it really is behind all the veils. How to slow down and really appreciate the way we once learned?How to be present to the amazing humble richness of it? How to understand that we are the lucky winners in life’s big lottery because of this event?

Speaking of spiritual things, I have spiritual direction with Jessika this morning at 10. So happy that this is happening for me now again. It is deeply appreciated.

OK, off to the day. Off to Vashon town to shop early. I predict that everyone will be pumped after last evening’s win for the Seahawks on Monday Night Football.

Go Hawks loves, Felipé.

4 thoughts on “Amazing Phenomena”

  1. What a marvelous post; what a marvelous insight to share:
    “Then finally she realized that it was her that had changed and not the clouds, that was the explanation.
    Ronaldo and Annie were looking at the familiar and seeing a whole new and expanded version. We recognize that, we know that “lifting of the veil” exists for all of us if we are just ready.
    How to be present to the amazing humble richness of it?”

    To. Be. Present. …. Words to carry all day.

    Mange tak for hjelpen.

    1. Hello Steve-O ~ so glad that spoke to you in such a good way. Just striving to get to the real Christmas. So, much debris in the way. Hello to the fam, Felipé.

  2. Felipe, powerful thoughts about changing our perspectives and seeing the old or the familiar in a new way. When I was on a pilgrimage in Italy in 2015 our group was in a chapel near Greccio (the place where St Francis created the first Christmas Crèche.)

    As we all sat quietly in the chapel, a doll the size of a newborn baby was passed around to each of us to hold. Before the Sister passed it she asked us to imagine this baby was Christ newly born. When it was finally my turn I was captivated, in awe, and had a profound realization that this was God incarnate into human flesh. That he came to us in human flesh as a helpless baby. I had heard these words before but had never experienced Christ in this way. Personal and me holding Him not the other way around.

    Your post today reminded me of this experience and it was this experience that created a shift in my thinking and perspective. I can’t say the clouds looked different that day but how I looked at and experience God and Christ certainly did.

    Blessing to all during this advent season,


    1. Rho ~ wonderful story, thank you! That is very powerful. It seems you were getting beyond the intellect there and grasping the mystical, the experiential. Yes, somehow we need to jump ahead of all the debris this time of year. Felipé.x

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