Alperfect Afternoon After Dream 6/17/21

Looking off the deck.
(photo P Volker)

The temp is 71 degrees F here at the tapas table. This could be the perfect temperature for me. There are bees and butterflies. Catherine is over volunteering to help My Rebecca in her garden. I’m awful late with the post today but I have an hour now.

So, another dream this AM, this string is pretty phenomenal really. Yesterday’s has fully captivated me and here is another knocking. Ready? I’m a with a day full of classes to go to. I start out with a folder with one sheet of paper in it, a schedule for the day. I go through the day to most of my classes and I meet this young girl in the hall. She is in first or second or third grade and has a folder with her. I’m an adult here in the school and she is an elementary student. Her folder is full of little scraps of paper that are notes that she and her chums passed back and forth in class. She insists that I see them all so we are sitting in the hall looking through them. I still have one class to go, Music. So, we get done finally and I start looking through my folder for the schedule. Where will this class be? My folder is half full of her little notes and then all the other debris from the day. I never get to music.

I am back to a school building now after I have bought the hotel recently. Oh well. And there is that anxiety that always seems to be there. But this time I get all these messages from the girl and forgo Music. I don’t remember any of the messages but perhaps it is enough to know that I received them.

So there is yesterday’s dream with young Wiley sitting next to the volume of water. My Rebecca stepped in to say that volume of liquid are my remains. Yes. I see that. There is a new process for breaking down the body in the funeral world. And I chose this because it is more Green than cremation, no smoke. It is a liquefaction process and two things are left: one liquid and two ground up bone. The bone goes in the urn and the liquid is used in fighting wildfires. Yup. That is so strong and vivid that image of Wiley with my remains.

Well OK, enough of that. Have to go for now. Working on the Oasis bandanas. Miss you.

Light blue bandana loves, Felipé.

4 thoughts on “Alperfect Afternoon After Dream 6/17/21”

  1. I am speechless, Phil. What a level of details that presents in your dreams…

    Love you (lots)!

    1. Cris ~ Well, all I know is no dream this morning. Maybe my tank is full for now. We had steaks last night with Wiley and Henna at the tapas table. The weather is beautiful right now. Thanks, Felipé.x

    1. Hi Sherie ~ will you be up before the Oasis party? That’s two months away! Felipé.x

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