A Transition Is Taking Place

Some brave daffodils.
(photo P Volker)

I look out the window and see buds swelling on the weeping willow tree. All of a sudden it has a different look and that’s only going to progress. Gone is it’s skeletal look of winter. There is life anew.

And at the same time my ears hear the cracking of the fire in the woodstove as it happily burns away. Still plenty cold and still doing the winter thing here for now. Matter of fact we need some more firewood to get us through till the real warmth arrives.

The crocuses and snowdrops are blooming with the daffodils coming on. There is a little yellow on this bush and a little red showing on that bush in the yard. We are close to something. Saw a little yellow where the skunk cabbage usually comes up.

There is a day though when you look out and just everything looks better like a critical mass has been reached. We are too early for that but still progress is happily apparent. Hope is in the air.

It is time to poke around with the probe on the soil thermometer to see what the soil is doing. I am always trying to learn what is going on with the land in different areas. All nooks and crannies of our ten acres were not created equal.

And the birds are still hungry for the imported seeds that we put out. My walkers love to carry the coffee cans around the trail to refill the feeders. It is a constant chore to keep at least some of them filled at any given time. And the eagles are starting to show up to soar around overhead. One day My Rebecca and I saw eight all at the same time but that was a record.

Well, time to get my show on the road. I got shopping duty today. And also have a tractor and a piano bench to repair before the day is over.
Mr Generalist here. Oh, and our walk this afternoon at 1530.

there is progress loves, Felipé.

2 thoughts on “A Transition Is Taking Place”

  1. Yes, spring is coming! It is nice to walk the same paths here too and note the swelling buds and occasional new blossoms beside the walkways that collect heat from the sun.

    Keep on walking, friends…

    1. Ron ~ there’s no turning back with this swelling of Spring. Everything is just preparing to explode. It could be postponed slightly by a cold snap but it is wholeheartedly determined. Hello to Ann. Felipé.

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