A Red, White And Blue Holiday

A day to put out the flag!
A day to put out the flag!

Just got in from the 0900 walk, under an overcast sky. Could shower occasionally today which would please the fire department on this Forth of July. This would have been a good day to walk in Spain, cloudy is merciful in July and August.

Had a nice visit from one of my old buddies yesterday. He was up here on a Seattle visit from Palm Springs. He caught Phil’s Camino there at the recent festival. So he was pumped about it and had to make it over to walk with me. Thanks Eric.

Well, you Americans, keep it safe today, don’t do nothing goofy with those fireworks. We’re not doing any personal explosives here at Raven Ranch, we got the horses which aren’t big on booms. Off to the harbor tonight to watch the professional show with friends who live done there at the water. We will be missing Our Jennifer who almost made this far. She made to last year’s Fourth and was there with us. Happy Trails Jennifer.

Good Bless America, as the song goes. And love you no matter where you are, Felipe.x