A New Book

Thanks Jim.
(photo P Volker)

Books seem to more a part of my life, my Camino, now in this time of isolation. Some of the flesh and blood people have replaced by literary characters and written ideas. People coming at me in a little different way. My friend Jim from Buffalo sent me a new book a few days ago, Second Mountain by David Brooks. How did he know I was just finishing up William’s book about Nova Scotia?

Brooks’s book is about the point in life where a person starts on a second journey. We think that our life’s journey is climbing that first mountain but things happen. Earthquakes happen, cancer happens, divorce happens, Coronavirus happens. Different people react differently. Some fold on an obstacle and never get to the next phase of life. Some though find new and more satisfying endeavors. That is the Second Mountain to Brooks. My first thought is, “Oh, like running away with the Camino?”

I’m only in it a few pages but recognize thoughts and ideas from my own second mountain experience. There are glimpses and impulses guided not by my own hand but from that higher place where Camino thought comes from. You know, Camino thought. Didn’t we just come up with that new word Caminothink a few days ago.

Yea, we can talk about this more in the future as I get deeper in Second Mountain. Now I am off.

midweek cloudy morning loves, Felipé.