A Dream

The snowdrops showing color on a frosty morning.  The very first of the flowers.
The snowdrops showing color on a frosty morning. The very first of the flowers.

Just a little dream. I’m always amazed by how much is communicated in a short time or with few characters or few props in dreams. A feeling is passed on without a lot of explanation or fanfare. Anyway, I had a little dream which was very peaceful and helpful.

Wiley and I were college roommates. Yea, pretty funny because the chance of that happening in reality are pretty nil. We had some pretty funky albergue type housing. And for some reason he had gotten there a few days before and I was trying to catch up and make sense of the details. There seemed to be a lot of keys to figure out and schedules to interpret. But we were working together on it.

Well, that dream just flowed into our early morning time together. He’s gone now, off to his new job as a framing carpenter, hard work and putting up with the rain and cold. The same thing I did forty years ago. We spend an hour together each weekday morning in that early neither world when you could both tear each other’s head off if you were sloppy or uncaring. I’m happy with the whole thing, waking and dreaming.

OK, off to work. And off to the hospital tomorrow. But not off from loving you, Felipe.

8 thoughts on “A Dream”

  1. Hola Amigo Felipe!

    Great stuff, those dreams. Cathy and I talk about them a lot. One of the side topics regarding them is how much they are referred to in the Bible as turning points or jumping off points or points of salvation. What we often say regarding that is: “As weird as my dreams are, would I ever trust them to make a major change in our life plans?” As Joseph and Mary did, and the Wise Men did and as Daniel did. Hmmmm. I don’t think my comfort level would be too high there. That’s where the “Faith” thing comes in again, eh? Who’s running the “on/off/mute/change channel” switch for my dreams? Specially since I often connect my dreams with various stages of indigestion 🙂

    Lots of political dreams shook up here in Iowa after the Caucuses. Sure a good feeling to go out and exercise pure democracy. Wish you could have been there.


    1. Juan ~ yea, I was going to make some wise ass remark to you yesterday whether you had Donald or Bernie over for coffee but I held my fire. Glad to hear that you were participating though.

      Yea, and the whole dream thing. Pretty spooky really. Fortunately I’m not the kind of guy where everything needs to make sense.

      OK, have to go help My Rebecca in the kitchen. That makes sense! I’m starving, Felipe.

  2. What a beautiful dream; the vitality of youth and the wisdom of age – working things out together, sounds like the wholeness of you.
    Miss you and love you.

    1. Hi Catherine ~ Yea, I was so happy with that dream and I slid from that right into the early morning breakfast scene. Pretty remarkable. Reminds me of times on the Camino when I didn’t know if I was awake or dreaming. Don’t get too comfortable over there, we need you back. Love, Felipe.

  3. I like that real scene. Not a flowery world. But the flowers are pushing up through the dirt. It’s time. And the eagles here on Tulalip built a nest and are raising their babies next to the fish hatchery where a cyclone fence did not keep out a car with four young people who drowned because their car was suspended in the net covering the hatchery and they could not open the doors against it. I am trying to get a photo of the eagles. Love to you and Rebecca.

    1. Signe ~ so so great,to hear from you. I was looking in the old logbook and seeing your name there recently. Miss you. Such a sad story about the car full of kids, freak accident. Maybe the eagles make up for it. Hope to see you a some point. We need another cookout. Say hello to everyone, love, Phil.

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