A Change Is In The Wind

Something is going on up there.

I have been feeling the need to rethink the way the blog is going. It has been chugging along for coming on five years now in pretty much it’s present configuration and look. And I see no need to change that. What is called for is a change in emphasis and a change in content.

As I walk this journey I am learning and evolving and this blog should reflect that. This is all swirling around in my mind. It is calling for some prayers to be said on it’s behalf.

January 1st seems like a good time to officially switch over. Until then I can play with a few things backstage. And maybe the new year will start out with a few fits and starts but I have faith in the new leaf we are turning.

I see a little blue sky loves, Felipé.

4 thoughts on “A Change Is In The Wind”

  1. My best wishes for your ‘fits and starts’ in the new year. I appreciate your words each day even if there is no comment – I find that there is frequently an opportunity to share some morsel with someone I meet or internally when I observe in the world around me.
    Thank you again. Walk in Peace and Love.

    1. Ronaldo ~ The best to you and Ann. We just can’t help our selves is how Annie and I used to describe ourselves and our walk. We are all here to buoy each other up. Felipé.

  2. Yeah, something seems to be always ‘goin on’ up there, and generally well considered before escaping into the known world.
    If I can be a sounding board in any way, I’m ready. It’ll be great, whatever and wherever it goes.

    1. Steve-O ~ yea, I’m holding the cards pretty close to my chest on this one. Trying to get a good plan together. Anymore duck hunting going on there?

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