August 24th


Oh, Monday morning in the aftermath of Corntine 2020. What a good time! We had 18 folks stop by yesterday between 1 and 9 PM so they were plenty spread out. I’m pretty tired out today but heck it was an event!

Seeing that I fell asleep four times while I was trying to write this I am going to sign off and just call it a day.

Aftermath of the 2020 Corntine. Thanks Linda for the lovely flowers.
(photo P Volker)

keeping it alive at the ranch loves, FelipΓ©.

2 thoughts on “August 24th”

  1. Tired is good! I feel the same way but have nothing to eat out of it. But we are moved into a new-to-is apartment that is quieter than the previous one so we do sleep well.

    All’s well that ends, happy corntine2020!

    1. Ronaldo ~ hi. So you guys are still in Astorga though? Do you still have room for guests? FelipΓ©.

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