The corn is galloping into our future, our enjoyment future. It is making amazing leaps toward maturity. I have been meaning to snap a pic of one of the ears. Will have to in a minute to show you.
And the blackberries are starting to ripen, had a few. That is just going to be a cascade once it gets started in earnest. I made four berry picking buckets to help with the harvest. Hope you come to help!
Tonight it’s my turn to cook dinner. Thought I would do a whole chicken in the dutch oven in the campfire. And add some potatoes wrapped in foil. Then marshmallows on sticks afterward, summer fun!
This is absolutely my favorite time of year when everything is in such crazy abundance. Time for Felipé to gain a few more pounds, fatten up for winter. I am coming along on my weight gain program coming in at 178 pounds at my last visit to the Institute (new word for hospital, sounds impressive).
Verandatime is also galloping at us. Hope that you can join us for part or all of it. Preparations are coming along.
let our love ripen, Felipé.