There was one minute to go before my wine curfew this evening at 2030 and I had to finish, oh, let me stop there. Well, new angels have arrived and we haven’t had this much this much fun since summer camp in seventh grade.

Kelly needs some comments about his biscotti, please. What is with all this excitement about guys that cook anyway? Ok, Kelly is awesome, we already know that.

OK, so, we went to Mass this evening in this town and it was most beautiful. They had a wonderful pilgrim blessing afterward. There probably 75 pilgrims there most of whom were Italian. There are big groups of Italian seminarians that are walking.

Todd is back after a quick trip to the States to film a wedding. Jess and Rebecca are fine. Mary Margret and Angelia are on board for the walk tomorrow. It will be a long day tomorrow with few towns and few ice cream sandwiches. Lov you all, Phil.

5 thoughts on “2129”

  1. Hey Phil!!
    Reading you keeps me walking! Thank you a lot 🙂


    PS Italians but not Sicilians 😀

  2. So Laura was totally right: there are always angels on the path! I am happy to hear other angels have arrived to El Camino! Sending lots of love!

    1. That’s a big lesson for everybody angel number 1!! Also for me! I didn’t really know it. Intuition is our big master.
      Good news, Phil!
      Love walking..

      1. Yup, angels have been replaced, but we will always be the “originals”!! Glad you’re finding more along the way to enrich the experience even more!
        Big hugs to all

  3. My dad (Kelly) is an amazing cook!!! I love all the updates on your adventure! I am so proud of both of you for making this happen! The highlight of my afternoon is reading your post Phil, and tracking you gentlemen on the map! Have a great day/afternoon. Love you Dad(Kelly) you to Phil!!! -Katie

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