( This our now regular piece that we call Movie Monday’s from Annie O’Neil, Phil’s Camino Producer / Director. She writes beautifully about our work that she feels so passionately about. This is the official Phil’s Camino News!)

hey there Caminoheads!
I did a pretty thorough update last week, so I will keep this short and sweet.
You can see the film at film festivals only right now, and for the month of June, our schedule looks like this:
June 2, 9:30 PM in Hermosa Beach as part of the South Bay Film and Music Festival.
June 4 2:15 PM & June 6 at 7:00 PM in San Francisco as part of SF DOCFest ***The man himself, Phil, will be in attendance, along with yours truly (Annie) as well as one of our Spiritual Advisors of Phil’s Camino, Fr. Tom Hall.
June 11, 11 AM and June 12, 3:30 PM as part of the deadCenter Film Festival in Oklahoma City, OK
June 23, 11:30 AM as par of the Nantucket Film Festival in Nantucket, MA
June 25 in Washington DC as part of the AFI Film Festival
There is one more, but I *still* cannot announce it yet. Stay tuned. It is in June.
I know that so many of you Caminoheads have already made generous donations to what I think of as the Phil’s Camino movement. I do believe this is a movement, Dear Ones. From the moment I heard about Phil and his backyard Camino I felt such a kinship: I was finishing my book that is all about making every day sacred, and everywhere you walk a part of your Camino. I had felt so strongly when I returned from my Camino that when folks would ask me ‘How was your Camino?’ that they were using the wrong tense: it wasn’t in the past! It was happening now! Right now, as we talked together! They were, in fact, part of my Camino! So for me, being able to tell Phil’s story in film, and share it with more and more people, is a huge honor, and is perhaps the best thing I have ever given to my fellow human beings.
I have heard wonderful comments from people after they watch Phil’s Camino. One woman in her 80’s said that maybe she could do a little more, and complain a little less. One woman has decided to dedicate her own walking of the Camino later this year to Phil. There is a jeweler who is donating a portion of his sales for May and June to Phil’s Camino. I could go on and on …
This film touches people’s hearts, and that is the height of filmmaking, don’t you think? If you would like to donate, you can do so at our Phil’s Camino website, www.philscamino.com Some folks make large donations, some folks make small donations, but it all helps us get this film out to more and more people. Thank you.
Lastly, I know that so many of you keep us in your prayers. Thank you. That is the only way that I can explain how this film even got made in the first place. I joke and say that St. James is one of our Executive Producers, but really that is only half a joke. I think that this film is something that powers greater than I wanted to get made. I am the humble servant here, and I try and just keep open to what I am called to do. Right now it is getting this film to festivals, then out to the world. I will offer you the same invitation Phil gave me when we met: Come walk with me.
Annie O Neil
Producer/Director: Phil’s Camino www.philscamino.com
Co-producer and Pilgrim: Walking the Camino: Six Ways to Santiago www.caminodocumentary.org
Author: Everyday Camino with Annie www.everydaycaminowithannie.com