Today will be eventful too but still high from yesterday’s. My Rebecca and I went into Seattle to a fund raiser for Trudy James and her film. Trudy I met this winter finally after hearing from half a dozen people that I have to meet her. She is retired now and focusing on her mission. She has done social work and chaplaincy during her career and then produced this film entitled Speaking of Dying.
This film is the centerpiece of her mission to get people thinking more about their own passage and finding out about options to make the process a good one and not the usual chaos of random elements. So kudos to her for her vision and her hard work around it. So I feel unusually pumped here now and wanted to pass that on to you.
Thursday is the National Day of Prayer when we pray for our leaders and other important groups. I got tapped to pray for the “sick and infirmed”, oh OK I know about that. I really had no inspiration till lying awake this morning a few minutes before the alarm went off. Got a vision!
So thanks Trudy for your talk-up. OK, time to make a move on my to-do list for this day of rest. No problem loves, Felipé.