When I think of all the wonderful people that are praying for me I straighten up and am glad to be continuing on. The day is young now and so many good intentions have been focused on me already. I have to turn all that into positive energy for myself. Guess I am a little down after that action filled weekend. That is sort of common with me. I need to get back on my usual even keel.
Maybe I can get some archery classes in this afternoon. That is always fun to teach and challenge people learning to shoot. Maybe I can get some shots in myself, never can have enough practice.
Well, off to work here for the morning. Oh, I have a walk first, right. Phil’s Camino calls. I’ll probably get a chance to say a rosary. I love the Luminous Mysteries on Thursdays.
Again thanks so much for all you kind folks praying for me. Miss you, love you, Felipe.
I wonder if that is a common phenomenon because after an exciting event or travel I feel this way too! Maybe a little sad for the people I am missing too! It takes me almost a week to get back to my routine and finding my usual pace and energy. I sort of meander from one thing to another until I get back in the routine of getting up at the right time, having my usual smoothie, going to my exercise class, doing my correspondences, etc. etc. etc. But always interspersed with my Carol’s Camino!
Carol ~ just opened my new fanny pack. It is exactly the right one! Thanks so much once again. Felipe.x
Cris ~ Hope that I wasn’t supposed to call today. Somehow I scheduled an archery lesson for 4pm today. Maybe I’ll try next week. Alperfect here, Felipe.x