(photo J Meiklejohn)
Just counting weather we are loaded around here. Blue sky, heat.
Although Sunday and Monday could be over a 100 F which is unheard of around here. So will be pumping water on the corn and me keeping in the shade.
Jen has the whole Three Sisters plot all planted. There are beans and squash added to the basic corn plants. So, that takes up one corner of the corn, 5×5 hills. I gave her the OK for this experiment. We will see what happens? We are always trying new approaches.
A good friend of ours volunteered to produce a headstone for me. This is so cool. We are going tomorrow to pick out a rock to use, Wiley included. Wiley is going to help on the project with grinding and polishing.
I am going to go. Anon.
polishing loves, Felipé.
Knee high by the fourth of July! You are on track. Raining a lot around here on Douglas Mountain. Although, Colorado is in a drought, hopefully some of this rain in the last few days and today will help out. It was 109 down in Denver on Monday or Tuesday and that is unheard of around here, as well! Luckily, up here at 8500 ft. it rarely gets out of the 80’s. Got the cabin all spiffed up for another appraisal this time for a refinance on a much lower interest rate and pay off in 15 years. Got to get things paid off soon. Onward and upward to more projects up here too. New deck railings, more trash removal lined up, i.e. an old camper to be hauled off and lots of scrap metal that Kelly has no use for. Got the hummingbird feeders out finally after having been here for a week. The hummers have graced our presence abundantly, with hopes of more since the flowers and hummingbird sauce are now fueling them. The rain just now has produced a glorious rainbow. Let me see if I can send a picture. And the smell…. something like a cross between fenel and eucalyptus, although we do not have eucalyptus around here, so must be fir trees and fenel. Oh well, anyway just fabulous olfactory sensations after a rain! I love hearing the rain and smelling what it brings so much. This is something I miss greatly when we are in SoCAL. Yep, the little homestead is shaping up and is close to having us fulltime. A few more projects before it we call it quits in CA. I tried to add a picture here, but it only takes comments. I will email a picture to you. Much love, Felipé. See you in August. Do you get these? I never really know.
Carol ~ our Dear Handler. Great to have you check in and supply the update on your happenings. Heat wave here and we are hiding out amongst the rocks waiting for sundown. Looking forward to See you at the Oasis. Felipé.x
Dear Phil,
You continue to teach us all about facing life and death with faith and hope and courage. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
Blessings and prayers,
Susan ~ we are here for each other. See you soon. Felipé.x
I just love the phrase “weather wealthy”! As with so many of your phrases, it is evocative and brings a smile to my face. My Camino is taking me to Yosemite for a couple of days. This is a dream come true, actually, so I will be bringing you, and this whole Caminoheads crowd with me. I can fit you all in the backpack of my heart. Your love is strong, but doesn’t weigh a thing! Much love to you, Felipe. Take a few steps with me, won’t you.
Annie ~ have a good trip to that place. We will think of you. Felipé.x
Dear Felipe,
I hope the stone is large because there are so many things that it has to say. I have thought of mine too, and I would like it to have the line of the Camino Frances that we so well have imprinted in our retinas and when the moment comes, be sure I have walked the three parts of the Camino as gracefully as I could without skipping any part… the hardness of the uphills in the Pyrenees without any warning, those moments when life is like the Meseta and the belonging and joy and healing we felt walking in Galicia.
And lately, because I have bought myself a smart watch, I have been thinking I would like it to say not how many years I lived but how much I have walked.
I cannot be more grateful for being your fellow pilgrim and say that some of those parts of my Camino and the miles I walked, are with you.
I love you immensely.
Oh Cris ~ thank you for your words. Al our old friend took us on this tour yesterday of rockdom. It was hard to decide. He work works with the raw stone and creates. So it is a one of a kind just like us. Felipé.x