Yes, a beautiful day and Mount Rainer (or in local vernacular, “the Mountain”) is out in all its glory. It is one of those days that we dream about all winter. But you are probably tired of hearing about that. One of my favorite themes I recognize is the rainy winter, so enough of that.
Sunday and Mass was special although it is the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Ordinary Time is just a strange concept that takes a while to get used to. Part of the wild and wacky world of Catholicism.
Things are starting to heat up for the Veranda get together. I just want to let you in on something. If you come you get to hang out with folks like Jessika who is sitting next to me here right now. She is coming up with one great story after another distractingly the heck of of me right now as I try to write.
OK, I am out of time. I will blame it on her. See all you folks tomorrow. Sunny loves, Felipé.
Hi boss,
Is there any advice you can give me to handle the High Super Very Excitement I have for the Veranda Caminoheads Get Together until 22Aug?… Because you are distributing all these news but don’t tell us how to “contain” ourselves until the moment comes… HOW????!!!!!!!!!
High Super Very Exciting Love
Cris ~ I’m handling it by drinking more coffeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Felipéééé.xxxxxxx