Is that what we are doing? I saw this phrase on Richard Rohr’s blog recently. It was in between charismatic prayer and Zen chores in a list of activities that can actually change us and bring us closer to God. We certainly walk a lot. I’m not sure it’s all meditation but never the less somep of it is, I think.
Here it is Sunday morning and I will try and get this post finished for you. This is my funky weekend or my Pyrenees weekend. It is the low energy point in my chemo cycle and I am running at maybe 75% but running. it is simply a gorgeous day here so it is making up for all that.
Father Marc had a smashing homily today. He was talking about faith and risk and fear, big topics. Catherine and I sat out on the tailgate of my truck with a coffee afterward and talked it through. Catherine calls our conversations “tailgate theology”.
I have to run. Due over at Our Jennifer’s. We are trying to finish up her bathroom remodel project.
Alright, need to go and come back for our walk at 1600. Thanks for stopping by, love also, Felipe.