(photo off FaceBook)
I hope that hundred of thousands of years from now archeologists come upon one of our US Navy’s hospital ships lovingly preserved in the mud. It would make headlines or their equivalent! The population will marvel at the size and the complexity of the vessel. It will speak of a long lost people that cared and provided in times of need.
How old are those ships? I wonder if my own father was aboard one getting patched up during the battle of Okinawa in the spring of 1945.
Possible maybe. We can only imagine the lift that would give the injured first glimpsing such beauty after too long in hell on earth. Not trying to be melodramatic but I have no other words handy.
It is a great focus for me thinking about these ships right now. I am so grateful that they sailed into my life during this present bad boy of an ordeal. And that is precisely a good start to have a focus, a place to build on in this time of uncertainty. This time when fact and rumor mix in our heads making a dangerous cocktail.
Keep focused people on what ever does it for you. Be calm and strong. That is the zone, stay there as much as possible. Pass it on to others. Maybe it is contagious!
And thank you for responding so well to my post yesterday. I am so grateful for comments and atta boys. Jessika’s, callsign Secret Agent, said it well: “Thanks for talking about the elephant and ten hyenas in the room.” You are welcome.
Time to gear up for rosary walk with Catherine. Will be praying for you and yours for good healthy and wellbeing.
Onward loves, Felipé.
Hey Felipe: Secret Agent here. Hope you are having a good day.
It was heartening to hear the reactions to your blog yesterday.
I wanted to share this from Romans 14:8 that I think about quite a bit:
“If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.”
I was having a funky morning. Five friends of mine died and I found out all on the same day last week. I knew it was going to “hit me” in a big way and it did this morning. So what do I do? I shovel the sidewalk for the monks because we had a big snow dump last night. It was that heavy wet snow but I had a good shovel so got a lot of the funky out. Mo betta now.
All is well and will be well. Over and out, SA
Jessica ~ this is such sad news that you received. I’m sorry. Lost for words here at this end. Let me know if you want to talk on the phone or FaceTime or something. Hang in there, Felipé.x