(photo W Volker)
Cris had a nice comment on yesterday’s post:
I am just imaging the chit-chat between Marynell and Dale after you left!
You are actually doing what Pope Francis has instructed: smile and laugh ❤️
“…Grant me, O Lord, a sense of good humor.
Allow me the grace to be able to take a joke to discover in life a bit of joy,
and to be able to share it with others.”
Saint Thomas More’s “Prayer for Good Humor”
Love you,
OK, I think that we are on the right track. Thank you Cris for that reinforcement! We are in the swing with the Pope around here I see.
Backing up a few days to Friday a week ago when Annie and I had that QandA with the cancer support group. I really love this work right here where the rubber meets the road with these support groups. I always tell these folks that no questions are off the table, to ask away. And one person asked what was my relationship with my Cancer? That was a first for me after all these years of QandA’s although I have been blogging about it for years.
So briefly, I never considered that it was a foreign invader. I choose to believe that it is an imbalance in my own body, a renegade part of me. It is a revolt or revolution, so to speak. If I keep in this zone it helps me to move around in the world. I am pretty fearless of it all out there in front of me.
Annie then told the story of me having a meeting with my tumors where I told them that they had better keep it all low keyed. They needed to not get too rowdy with me. “Because if I go you guys go too!”
Yea, that happened back a few years ago. And back at the QandA some conversation went back and forth with several people. And in the end I characterized my Cancer as a unruly roommate. Someone that I could get along with if I put in the required amount of extra work. You know, picking up used towels and old pizza boxes and such for the general good of all. And if I kept in good humor about the whole thing.
Thank you Cris and thank you all for checking in.
let’s see, does this go in the garbage or recycling loves, Felipé.
(Our moon in waxing gibbous, 97% illumination).
You will be the unruly roommate to Marynell and Dale! I can see you three having fun when the time comes. It will come because it is a part of life, that’s the only reason and for sure, the only thing it is certain in life for every human being; and I feel privileged to have been chosen to live “all” of this journey with you; including this search for “a room with a view”!
You know I scientifically support your theory of “the renegade”!
Love you!
Oh Cris, my journey partner, no one can plan all this. We live in anticipation of it all. So, I am getting support in my renegade theory? Thank you. Felipé.x