Finally getting around to blogging with you my friends that aren’t here physically around me. Kind of a quiet evening here, looking forward to watching a Mariner’s baseball game. I did see a bunch of people today along with Caminohead extraordinaire Quick Rick. Remember he came to Spain with his daughter Maryka to walk the last 100 km with me. He is doing fine.
Also, in the news is the American Pilgrims on the Camino Gathering this weekend. This is their annual meeting and it is in St Louis this year. Annie is there with Esther Hobbs I think. The three pics are from there. Phil’s Camino was shown there.
And Todd and Jessica are somewhere covering a festival this weekend. That may be Nashville or Myrtle Beach. It is really hard to keep up with for me but I’m just a backseat driver so it’s OK.
Sister Joyce is in Dubuque by now for her yearly visit to the place where her order is based. So, she will be there and back here before the Dubuque festival starts. Maybe Pilgrim Farmer John can talk her into staying another week so we can catch up.
Well, I think that is all the news fit to print as they used to say. I am feeling pretty exhausted and will see you tomorrow. Saturday loves, Felipe.
Hola Amigo Felipe!
So wish Sr Joyce could hang around to enjoy our mutual company. She does know how cool we are, right? This whole shindig (is that just a Midwest term?) is going to be our spring highlight from every perspective. Cathy’s sister Bev is making the trip from Denver to be part of this history, and she’s bringing her daughter as well, which practically makes it a family reunion. You are fortunate to get to work with such outstanding people. That Annie is a dynamo. We’re good a growing things here in Iowa so we may try to clone her. Whaddaya think??? Can the world handle two Annies??
Anytime after the middle of April if the temps and soil moisture are right is Corn Planting time for our neck of the woods. Anxious, as always, to get at it. We have always had some “early birds” who sock the seed into the ground when the calendar says April. I’m not that gutsy.
Looking forward to meeting up PFF! God bless all of you and take good care of yourself. No “straggler chits” allowed for this mission!
PFJ ~ Sounds like you are getting things cranked up there in the home state. This is all very exciting and we are looking forward to it! Did you get the times for the Phil’s Camino showings? We need to find some free time in the schedule to party with you all. Do you think that we could make it to your farm in all this? Hope so. Looks like about ten days away. Alperfect, PFF.
Wow! That would be fabulous if you could pull it off! I know your schedule is harried and hectic, but we would be glad to give you (and whomever!) a ride down to the farm (about a 2 hour ride) for a whirlwind tour and back to Dubuque to hotel or airport or wherever. Nothing like hanging out with the Hollywood crowd to boost a farmer’s stature in the neighborhood 🙂 Let me know. Annie suggested we try to make the Friday 1345 showing so that she could join us. Oooh Raahh!
PFJ ~ We will figure out something, that’s what we do, right? I can see right now that we need an adult to supervise all this. I don’t think Annie, you or I qualify anymore. Puttin the puck in the net, Felipe.