The First Corntine!

All simple on the Camino.
(photo Kelly Burke)

I set a goal for myself of making up my mind by June 1st, one way or the other, to announce to you whether we were going to have the Veranda 2020 party. I really regret that we will not be having the full blown party. There is no way this will be workable for people traveling from out of state much less out of country. But the corn is growing and my own sense is that a local party would be appropriate. So thus the Corntine is born!

Why not have a two day party for local folks to come to walk, drink a glass of wine and go home with a bag of fresh sweet corn. No hugs, no camping, no field trips just a chance to say hello from a distance. It is the best we can do under the circumstances. Personally I can’t bear not to have the ranch open. We have to keep the beat.

So, that is it. At a time when we could use a Veranda more than ever we are thwarted. We will have to live another year my friends and met here in 2021 and I am setting the dates right now, Friday August 20th through Monday August 23rd. Are you in?

our path isn’t easy these days loves, Felipé.

11 thoughts on “The First Corntine!”

  1. I am IN for 2021!!!! And be prepared: I WILL BE THERE FOR A QUARANTINE or A 40 DAYS OF LENT!!!!!!!

    Partying Corn Loves,

  2. Haha! I wanted to make sure I have my spot in the ranch/ Veranda booked before anyone! It fills up quickly!

    Love you

  3. Wish I were Vashon-local and not just Seattle-local, how I would love to see you in person this summer, and taste that sweet corn! Save me a spot near the bathtub for 2021; I’m with Cris–those Raven Ranch spots will fill up quickly. August 2021: gives us something to look forward to–to live for! (Hope that’s not too corny.)
    Talk to you later,
    Henriette Anne

  4. A great video.on the 6th of December 2019 I was diagnosed with mycosis fungoides which had, unfortunately, progressed to stage 2b after a number for years,2006 I think that I first noticed it,of misdiagnosis as ezecma, psoriasis and in the tumour stage as ORF(a viral ailment of sheep and goats!). I’ve always found and escape into nature and it makes it more bearable although it has attacked the soles of my feet.

    1. Kevan ~ glad you are here with us. Thank you for shouldering all that, your burdens. It is all serious business but maybe you can join us long enough to find some solace and even humor maybe. We are here for you, Phil.

  5. I am EXTREMELY sad not to be able to attend. Our first grandchild is due to be born the first week of August and we have already signed a month’s lease on a nearby home in San Francisco during the time of your Corntine. So bummed! Well bummed for me, yet excited for your decision, great idea, fabulous name and what is sure to be an “amazing time was had by all.” Perhaps in September when the virus numbers are down and before the rain comes, hubby and I can join you on a physically distanced walk.

    1. Robbi ~ congratulations, what an occasion! We will have fresh corn the middle of August through the middle of September. Maybe you can make it sometime in there. Have fun, Felipé.x

        1. Robbi ~ out there weeding the corn every day in every way getting ready. Felipé.x

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