TGIF/Cherry #1


Cherry on the Camino.
Cherry on the Camino.


My Camino was full of wonderful experiences. My favourites were the interactions I had with others along the way. Often the people I’d meet became my best friends in a matter of hours. And then family in a matter of days. Other times my interactions were brief yet I was left feeling inspired and grateful for the chance encounter.

I met this guy called Steve on day 31 of my Camino, somewhere between a place called Hospital de la Cruz and Melide. We briefly discussed our thoughts on football, Catholicism and reincarnation. Then Steve shared with me a ‘compassion meditation’ that he had been practising during his walk. It is simple, easy and beautiful so I thought I’d share it here on Camino Heads.

Firstly, you meditate sending out positive, well wishes and good health for someone you love. Secondly, you send out positive, well wishes and good health for someone you don’t like. And thirdly, you send out positive, well wishes and good health for someone you don’t know but may have crossed paths with or heard about. This easy and loving practice can be done almost any time or anywhere you have a minute or so spare. You can do it whilst walking, running or sitting and you don’t need peace and quiet either.

Steve and I only spent less than half an hour together but he inspired me to send out more positive thoughts to the world. I hope I can pass on this privilege and inspire you to send out more positive thoughts to the world too. Mucho amor, Cherry

One thought on “TGIF/Cherry #1”

  1. Hola Cherry! Great to see you here guest-blogging and with a perfect Camino vignette.


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