Sunday Morn

New things. Freya with Wiley, Rebecca and Felipe.


Back from early Mass and camped out on the couch.  Father had a homily about how we as Christians being the light of the world and our job was to encourage and inspire.  Woa, that’s right!  This is Caminoheads blog, home all that good stuff, right?  I’m not saying that we are always great at it but we are always striving.

Yes, let’s pat ourselves on the back here a little at this point.  We have been working hard for a long time now and I would like to just say how happy I am with this whole situation.  It’s all warm and fuzzy from where I am sitting.  Thank you so much for being a part.  We all couldn’t do it without you.

Here it is the first week of the grand new year.  We are we are moving forward.  Let me consult with our friend and mentor St. James as to our best route.  I have to admit that I haven’t checked in with him yet with all the commotion of New Year.  My bad, as they say.

I am going to leave you with that and my promise to ask St. James for help and guidance.  Love you today and tomorrow and the next day, Felipe.

2 thoughts on “Sunday Morn”

  1. Phil, mom voice here, I hope you have a BIG golf umbrella for walking when it RAINS like today!

    I was gone this weekend visiting a farmer friend near Portland, with another friend of 40 years… counting up all of God’s mercy, ongoing friendship being such a real part of that love. Thankful for you and Rebecca!

    1. Michele ~ yes, I did get soaked yesterday but got the bird feeders filled and had a word with St. James. So, what’s a little water. And enjoy yourself on your getaway. You deserve more. Felipe.x

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