Wow, three years ago Kelly and I were landing in Madrid. That was the 25th and on the 26th we traveled by train to Pamplona and then bus to SJPP. We started walking the morning of the 27th and went up and over the Pyrenees. Wow, we did all that!
Feast of St James today, wherever you are around the world. Can’t get away from him although I don’t know why you would want to. So us going from here to Spain to walk was all St James. He is the patron saint of Western Washington and Spain and pilgrims in general you see.
In the Bible he is James the Apostle, brother of John, both sons of Zebedee. They were fishermen known as the “sons of thunder”. It gets a little confusing because there is another apostle with the same name but he is known as James the Lesser. Then there is the “brother”of Jesus who wrote the beautiful book of James. He is a whole other character.
We do know the James the Apostle was the first of the Apostles to be martyred. The story goes that his body was wisked away and he was taken the “end of the earth” which we know as the west coast of Spain. His body was buried a long time unbothered. Then somewhere in the 800’s it as discovered and the first church was built. Then for 1200 years we have been tramping through the dust and mud of our beloved Spain to get near him and his energy.
We at Phil’s Camino the documentary film know him well in his role as Exective Producer. No one worked as hard as he did to make sure that movie was made. And now we are thankful.
Happy St James Day all you Caminoheads out there! Love, Felipe.
On the Feast of St. James, thinking of you and Rebecca and of your warm invite to walk your camino. It was no easy feat getting all 7 of us there. There was work to take off, sitters to take care of kids, and spouses to convince that we really needed to do this. As with walking the Camino de Santiago, there was something that was “pulling” us to walk with you. What a blessing it was! I think all of us came home with a desire to live a little more fully, love a little more deeply, and laugh a whole lot more! Maybe better said, it is a stronger desire to live in God’s presence and bask in His love.
Thank you, Felipe! Our love to you and Rebecca!
Loretta ~ we throughly enjoy having you all. Thank you for all the organization. Yea, I think that everyone enjoyed themselves. Please keep in touch, Felipe.x