That’s a punch line to a joke that Bill my cancer commando buddy told me. And it has turned into a greeting that we use with each other. I need to tell you the joke so that you will be in on it.
So, this guy jumps off the roof of a five story building. As he is falling past the fifth floor windows someone yells out,”How you doing?” The guy yells back, “So far so good!” And he falls past the fourth floor windows and there someone yells out, “How you doing?” And the guy yells back, “So far so good! And he falls past the third floor windows… Well you see where this is going.
So, that is our big joke, it’s a cancer joke really, kind of gallows humor. This is part of how we cope with the uncertainty of it all. “So far so good!” Thanks Bill, your company is priceless.
This is my big day at the hospital for treatment. Bill just dropped by to visit me for a half hour while he was here for any appointment. Again, thanks Bill.
So time for a coffee, have about an hour to go and I have to get up to speed for the drive home. Take care for now, love, Felipe.
Hola Amigo!
My bestest buddy, Ken Brust, who walked with you this summer has a spin on that: “So far, so What!” says he. We usually apply it to whatever ridiculous situation we have managed to get ourselves into. Always good for a laugh. Always good to witness your good attitude. Attitude is everything, but hey, you know that.
Gracias Juan ~ good twist on it! Will work that into the blog today. Had venison sausage for breakfast this AM, mighty fine. Got two walks today. Morning regular scheduled one and a special one this PM for pilgrims coming from LA. Like your mighty fine swing too. Love you man, Felipe.